API Reference
— Typestruct DoubleLayerRotatedMW3D{T,K} <: MaxwellOperator3D{T,K}
Bilinear form given by:
α ∬_{Γ^2} k(x) ⋅ [n̂(x) × (∇G_γ(x-y) × j(y))]
with ``G_γ = e^{-γ|x-y|} / 4π|x-y|``
: Factor in front of bilinear form.gamma::K
: imaginary unit times the wavenumber.
— Type∫_Γ dx ∫_Γ dy \left(α G g(x) n_x ⋅ n_y f(y) + β G \mbox{curl} g(x) ⋅ \mbox{curl} f(y) \right)
with $G(x,y) = \frac{e^{-γ |x-y|}}{4 π |x-y|}$
— TypeHH3DLinearPotential
A potential that linearly increases in direction
with scaling coefficient amplitude
. Its negative gradient will be a uniform vector field pointing in the opposite direction.
— TypeHH3DMonopole
Potential of a monopole-type point source (e.g., of an electric charge)
— Type\[a(u,v) = α ∬_{Γ×Γ} u(x) G_{γ}(|x-y|) v(y)\]
with $G_{γ}(r) = \frac{e^{-γr}}{4πr}$.
— TypeIdentity <: LocalOperator
The identity operator.
— TypeLinearCombinationOfOperators{T} <: AbstractOperator
A linear combination of operators.
— MethodMWDoubleLayerFarField3D(;gamma, amplitude)
Maxwell double layer far-field operator for 3D.
— MethodMWDoubleLayerField3D(; gamma, wavenumber)
Create the double layer near field operator, for use with potential
— MethodMWDoubleLayerRotatedFarField3D
Rotated Maxwell double layer far-field operator for 3D.
— MethodMWFarField3D(;gamma, amplitude)
Maxwell single layer far-field operator for 3D.
— TypeOperator to compute the far field of a current distribution in the time domain. In particular, given the current distribution $j$ this operator allows for the computation of
\[R = ̂x ⋅ y ffd = n × ∫_Γ j(r', t - R/c} dy\]
where $̂x$ is the unit vector in the direction of observation. Note that the assembly routing expects the observation directions to be normalised by the caller.
— MethodMWSingleLayerField3D(;gamma, wavenumber, alpha, beta)
Create the single layer near field operator, for use with potential
— TypeNCross <: LocalOperator
The identity operator where the trial function is rotated.
— TypeLocal shape function r
is the one whose field lines straddle local edge r
, which is the edge adjacent to vertex r
This is not the edge starting at vertex r
. The downside of this local numbering scheme is that it cannot be extended to cells that are not simplices because there is no well defined concept of adjacent-ness.
— TypeAtomic operator: one that assemblechunk can deal with
— TypeRungeKuttaConvolutionQuadrature{T,N,NN}
T: the value type of the basis function. N: the number of stages. NN: N*N.
Performs a convolution quadrature on a laplaceKernel to represent an operator in time domain using an implicit Runge-Kutta method.
laplaceKernel: function of the Laplace variable s that returns an IntegralOperator. A, b: Coefficient matrix and vectors from the Butcher tableau. Δt: time step. zTransformedTermCount: Number of terms in the inverse Z-transform. contourRadius: radius of circle used as integration contour for the inverse Z-transform.
— TypeDescribe a single layer operator from the surface to a line.
\[<v, Su> = ∫_γ dx v(x) ∫_Γ dy rac{e^{-ikR}}{4πR} u(y)\]
— TypeStagedTimeStep{T,N,NN}
T: the value type of the basis function. N: the number of stages. NN: the number of stages squared Each time step has intermediary stages given by the vertor c in a Butcher tableau (A,b,c)
— TypeTimeBasisDeltaShifted{T}
Represents a TimeBasisDelta{T} retarded by a fraction of the time step.
— TypeTimeBasisFunction{N,D}
T: the value type of the time basis function N: the number of intervals in the support (this included the semi infinite interval stretching to +∞) D1: the degree of the TBF restricted to each of the intervals plus one
— TypeOperator to compute the far field of a current distribution. In particular, given the current distribution $j$ this operator allows for the computation of
\[A j = n × ∫_Ω j e^{γ ̂x ⋅ y} dy\]
where $̂x$ is the unit vector in the direction of observation. Note that the assembly routing expects the observation directions to be normalised by the caller.
— Methodassemble(operator, test_functions, trial_functions;
storage_policy = Val{:bandedstorage},
threading = Threading{:multi},
quadstrat=defaultquadstrat(operator, test_functions, trial_functions))
Assemble the system matrix corresponding to the operator operator
tested with the test functions test_functions
and the trial functions trial_functions
— Methodassemble(fn, tfs)
Assemble the vector of test coefficients corresponding to functional fn
and test functions tfs
— Methodassemble_local_mixed(biop::LocalOperator, tfs, bfs)
For use when basis and test functions are defined on different meshes
— Methodassemblechunk!(biop::IntegralOperator, tfs, bfs, store)
Computes the matrix of operator biop wrt the finite element spaces tfs and bfs
— Methodcharts, admap, act_to_global = assemblydata(basis; onlyactives=true)
Given a basis
this function returns a data structure containing the information required for matrix assemble, that is, the vector charts
containing Simplex
elements, a variable admap
of type AssemblyData
, and a mapping from indices of actively used simplices to global simplices.
When onlyactives
is true
, another layer of indices is introduced to filter out all cells of the mesh that are not in the union of the support of the basis functions (i.e., when the basis functions are defined only on a part of the mesh).
is, in essence, a three-dimensional array of named tuples, which, by wrapping it in the struct AssemblyData
, allows the definition of iterators. The tuple consists of the two entries
Here, c
and r
are indices in the iterable set of (active) simplices and the set of shape functions on each cell/simplex: r
ranges from 1 to the number of shape functions on a cell/simplex, c
ranges from 1 to the number of active simplices, and i
ranges from 1 to the number of maximal number of basis functions, where any of the shape functions contributes to.
For example, for continuous piecewise linear lagrange functions (c0d1), each of the three shape functions on a triangle are associated with exactly one Lagrange function, and therefore i
is limited to 1.
Note: When onlyactives=false
, the indices c
correspond to the position of the corresponding cell/simplex whilst iterating over geometry(basis)
. When onlyactives=true
, then act_to_global(c)
correspond to the position of the corresponding cell/simplex whilst iterating over geometry(basis)
For a triplet (i,r,c)
, globalindex
is the index in the basis
of the i
th basis function that has a contribution from shape function r
on (active) cell/simplex c
. coefficient
is the coefficient of that contribution in the linear combination defining that basis function in terms of shape function.
— Methodbasisfunction(basis, i)
Returns a vector of the shape functions defining the i
th function of the basis
— Functionblockassembler(operator, test_space, trial_space) -> assembler
Return a callable object for the creation of blocks within a BEM matrix.
This function performs all tasks common to the assembly of several blocks within a single boundary element matrix. The return value can be used to generate blocks by calling it as follows:
where I
and J
are arrays of indices in test_space
and trial_space
, respectively, corresponding to the rows and columns of the desired block.
Note that the block will be constructed in compressed form, i.e. the rows and columns of the store that are written into are the positions within I
and J
(as opposed to the positions within 1:numfunctions(test_space)
and 1:numfunctions(trial_space)
). In particular the size of the constructed block will be (length(I), length(J))
This last property allows the assembly of permutations of the BEM matrix by supplying for I
and J
permutations of 1:numfunctions(test_space)
and 1:numfunctions(trial_space)
— Functionbuffachristiansen(Γ, γ)
Construct the set of Buffa-Christiansen functions subject to mesh Γ and only enforcing zero normal components on ∂Γ ∖ γ.
— Methodbuildhalfbc(fine, supp::Array{SVector{3,Int},1}, v, p)
— Methodbutcher_tableau_radau_2stages()
Returns (A,b,c) corresponding to the Butcher tableau for the 2 stage Radau IIA scheme.
— Methodbutcher_tableau_radau_3stages()
Returns (A,b,c) corresponding to the Butcher tableau for the 3 stage Radau IIA scheme.
— Methodcurl(X)
Compute the curl of a finite element basis. The resulting set of functions might be linearly dependent because of the kernel of the curl operator.
— Methoddipolemw3d(;location, orientation, wavenumber)
Create an electric dipole solution to Maxwell's equations representing the electric field part. Implementation is based on (9.18) of Jackson's “Classical electrodynamics”, with the notable difference that the $xp(ikr)$ is used.
— Methoddivergence(x)
Compute the divergence of a finite element space.
— Methodduallagrangec0d1(originalmesh, refinedmesh)
It is the user responsibility to provide two meshes representing the same object. The second mesh needs to be obtained using "barycentric_refinement(originalmesh)". This basis function creats the dual Lagrange basis function and return an object that contains array of shapes [fns] It also return a gemoetry containing the refined mesh.
— Functionduallagrangecxd0(mesh, jct) -> basis
Build dual Lagrange piecewise constant elements. Boundary nodes are only considered if they are in the interior of jct
The default dual function (interpolatory=false
) is similar to the one depicted in Figure 3 of Buffa et al (doi: 10.1090/S0025-5718-07-01965-5), with the difference that each individual shape function is normalized with respect to the area so that overall the integral over the dual function is one.
When interpolatory=true
is used, the function value is one on the support, and thus, it gives rise to a partition of unity.
— Methodelements(geo)
Create an iterable collection of the elements stored in geo
. The order in which this collection produces the elements determines the index used for lookup in the data structures returned by assemblydata
and quaddata
— Methodfcr, geo = facecurrents(coeffs, basis)
Compute the value of the function with the given collection of coeffient in the provided basis in all the centroids of the mesh underlying the basis. The mesh is returned together with the currents.
— Methodgamma_wavenumber_handler(gamma, wavenumber)
This function handles the input of gamma
and wavenumber
. It throws an error if both gamma
and wavenumber
are provided. If neither is provided, it assumes a static problem and returns Val(0)
for gamma
and wavenumber
: Appropriate pairgamma
— Methodgeometry(basis)
Returns an iterable collection of geometric elements on which the functions in basis
are defined. The order the elements are encountered needs correspond to the element indices used in the data structure returned by assemblydata
— Methodgetcommonedge(cell1, cell2) -> e1, e2, edge
Returns in edge the common vertices of cell1 and cell2. e1 contains the index of the vertex of cell1 opposite to this common edge, and with a plus or minus sign depending on whether the orientation of the common edge is along or against the internal orientation of cell1. Similar for e2.
— Methodgetindex_rtg(RT::RTBasis)
Returns the indices of the global half RWGs present in RT
. RT
is typically gotten from rt_ports
— Methodgrideval(points, coeffs, basis; type=nothing)
— Methodactive, index_among_actives, num_active_cells, act_to_global =
index_actives(num_cells, celltonum)
Given the number of cells of the mesh num_cells
and an array indicating, which shape functions of each cell are used in the definition of the basis, celltonum
, index_actives(num_cells, celltonum)
computes a Boolean vector active
that indicates for each cell index if the cell is in the support of any basis function. For this reduced set of active cells, a new index set is introduced, where index_among_actives
is a vector providing the mapping from the cells of the mesh to the indices of the active cells, num_active_cells
provides the number of all active cells, and act_to_global
is a vector providing the mapping from the indices of the active cells to the indices of cells of the underlying mesh of the basis function spce.
— Methodindices_splitfemglobal(lincombgfs)
Given a linear combination of FEMFunctions and/or GlobalFunctions, return the indices of the fem and the global functions
— Methodinstantiate_charts(geo, num_active_cells, active)
Returns a vector of all actively used simplices.
— Methodinterpolate(interpolant::RefSpace, chart1, interpolee::RefSpace, chart2)
Computes by interpolation approximations of the local shape functions for interpolee
on chart2
in terms of the local shape functions for interpolant
on chart1
. The returned value is a matrix Q
such that
\[\phi_i \approx \sum_j Q_{ij} \psi_j\]
with $\phi_i$ the i-th local shape function for interpolee
and $\psi_j$ the j-th local shape function for interpolant
— Methodinverse_z_transform(k, rho, N, X)
Returns the k-th term of the inverse z-transform. X is an array of the z-transform evaluated in the points z=rhoexp(2impin/N) for n in 0:(N-1).
— Methodisstatic(gamma)
This function checks if the provided gamma
value represents a static problem. It returns true if gamma
is of type Val{0}
indicating a static problem.
- A boolean indicating whether the problem is static or not.
— FunctionThe dimension of the space of Lagrange shape functions of degree d over a simplex of dimension n is binom(n+d,d) == binom(n+d,n)
— Methodlagrangec0d1(mesh; dirichlet=[true|false]) -> basis
Build lagrangec0d1 elements, including (dirichlet=false) or excluding (dirichlet=true) those attached to boundary vertices.
— Methodlagrangec0d1(mesh[, bnd])
Construct the basis of continuous, piecewise linear basis functions subordinate to mesh mesh
. Basis functions are constructed at vertices in the interionr of the mesh and on the closure of 'bnd'. In particular, leaving out the second argument creates a finite element space subject to homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions.
— Methodlaplace_to_z(rho, n, N, dt, A, b)
Returns the complex matrix valued Laplace variable s that correspond to the variable z = rhoexp(2impin/N) for a given Butcher tableau (A,b,c) and a time step dt.
— Methodlinearpotentialvie(; direction = error("missing argument direction
"), amplitude = 1, )
Linear potential for volume integral equations.
— Methodlocalindices(dof, chart, i)
Returns a vector of indices into the vector of local shape functions that correspond to global degrees of freedom supported on sub-entity i
, where the type of entity (nodes, edge, face) is encoded in the type of 'dof'.
— Methodcelltonum = make_celltonum(num_cells, num_refs, num_bfs, basis)
Computes the array celltonum[c,r]
that, given the index c
of a cell of the mesh associated with the basis
and the index r
of the shape function in the refspace associated with basis
, provides the number of basis functions where the r
th shape function on cell c
is used in their definition.
— Methodmarchonintime(W0,Z,B,I; convhist=false)
Solve by marching-on-in-time the causal convolution problem defined by (W0,Z,B)
up to timestep I
. Here, Z
is an array of order 3 that contains a discretisation of a time translation invariant retarded potential operator. W0
is the inverse of the slice Z[:,:,1]
Keyword arguments: - 'convhist': when true, return in addition to the space-time data for the solution also the vector of convergence histories as returned each time step by the supplied solver W0
— Methodmomintegrals!(biop, tshs, bshs, tcell, bcell, interactions, strat)
Function for the computation of moment integrals using simple double quadrature.
— MethodMove the s-th element right after the d-th
— Functionnedelec2(mesh, edges)
Constructs the 2nd degree Nedelec basis of the first kind i.e. H(curl).
Returns an object of type 'ND2Basis'.
— Methodntrace(refspace, element, localindex, face)
Compute the normal trace of all local shape functions on elements
belonging to refspace
on face
. This function returns a matrix expressing the traces of local shape functions in refspace
as linear combinations of functions in the local trace space. Cf. restrict
. localindex
is the index of face
in the enumeration of faces of elements
. In many special cases knowing this index allows for highly optimised implementations.
— Methodntrace(X::Space, γ::Mesh)
Compute the normal trace of basis X on mesh γ. γ is assumed to be part of the boundary of geometry(X).
— Methodnumfunctions(basis)
Number of functions in the basis.
— Methodplanewave(polarisation,direction,amplitude,speedoflight)
Time-domain plane wave.
— Methodplanewavemw3d(;direction, polarization, wavenumber, gamma[, amplitude=1])
Create a plane wave solution to Maxwell's equations.
— Methodplanewavevie(; direction = error("missing arguement direction
"), polarization = error("missing arguement polarization
"), wavenumber = error("missing arguement wavenumber
"), amplitude = 1, )
For volume integral equations
— Methodportcells(Γ::Mesh, γ::Mesh)
returns an array containing cell pairs of mesh Γ around a boundary edge that overlaps with mesh γ
— Methodpotential(op, points, coeffs, basis)
Evaluate operator for a given bases and expansion coefficients at the given points.
— MethodQ = qd(T,dh,::Val{N})
Q[k] is the factor in front resulting from differentiating t^(k-1) dh times.
— Functionquaddata(operator, test_refspace, trial_refspace, test_elements, trial_elements)
Returns an object cashing data required for the computation of boundary element interactions. It is up to the client programmer to decide what (if any) data is cached. For double numberical quadrature, storing the integration points for example can significantly speed up matrix assembly.
is an integration kernel.test_refspace
are reference space objects.quadata
is typically overloaded on the type of these local spaces of shape functions. (See the implementation in maxwell.jl
for an example).
are iterable collections of the geometric
elements on which the finite element space are defined. These are provided to allow computation of the actual integrations points - as opposed to only their coordinates.
— Functionquadrule(operator, test_refspace, trial_refspace, test_index, test_chart, trial_index, trial_chart, quad_data)
Based on the operator kernel and the test and trial elements, this function builds an object whose type and data fields specify the quadrature rule that needs to be used to accurately compute the interaction integrals. The quad_data
object created by quaddata
is passed to allow reuse of any precomputed data such as quadrature points and weights, geometric quantities, etc.
The type of the returned quadrature rule will help in deciding which method of momintegrals
to dispatch to.
— Methodraviartthomas(mesh)
Conducts pre-processing on the input mesh
by extracting the cell edges, cell pairs and indices required to construct the RT basis on the mesh
Calls raviartthomas(mesh::Mesh, cellpairs::Array{Int,2}), which constructs the RT basis on the mesh
, using the cell pairs identified.
Returns the RT basis object.
— Methodraviartthomas(mesh, cellpairs::Array{Int,2})
Constructs the RT basis on the input mesh
. The i-th RT basis function will represent a current distribution flowing from cell cellpairs[1,i]
to cellpairs[2,i]
on the mesh.
Returns an object of type RTBasis
, which comprises both the mesh and pairs of Shape objects which corresponds to the cell pairs, containing the necsessary coefficients and indices to compute the exact basis functions when required by the solver.
— Methodraviartthomas2(mesh)
Conducts pre-processing on the input mesh
by extracting the cell edges, cell pairs and indices required to construct the RT2 basis on the mesh
Calls raviartthomas2(mesh::Mesh, cellpairs::Array{Int,2}), which constructs the RT2 basis on the mesh
, using the cell pairs identified.
Returns the RT2 basis object.
— Methodraviartthomas2(mesh, cellpairs::Array{Int,2})
Constructs the RT2 basis on the input mesh
. The i-th RT2 basis function will represent a current distribution flowing from cell cellpairs[1,i]
to cellpairs[2,i]
on the mesh.
Returns an object of type RT2Basis
, which comprises both the mesh and pairs of Shape objects which corresponds to the cell pairs, containing the necsessary coefficients and indices to compute the exact basis functions when required by the solver.
— Methodreal_inverse_z_transform(k, rho, N, X)
Returns the k-th term of the inverse z-transform. It is assumed that X[n+1] = conj(X[N-n]) for each n in 1:(N-1) so that Nmax = N/2+1 or (N+1)/2 (resp. if N%2==0 or N%2==1) terms are used in X X is an array of the z-transform evaluated in the points z=rhoexp(2impin/N) for n in 0:(Nmax-1).
— Functionrefspace(basis)
Returns the ReferenceSpace of local shape functions on which the basis is built.
— Functionrestrict(refspace, element1, element2)
Computes the restriction of a set of local shape functions on element1
as linear combinations of the set of local shape functions on element2
. More precisely restrict
returns an NxM
matrix P
such that the i
-th local shape $g_i$ function on element2 can be written as:
$g_i = sum_{j=1}^{M} P_{ij} f_j$
— Methodrt_cedge(cps::Array{Int,2}, weight)
Computes single basis function with equally distributed constant current leaving or entering port defined by cellpairs cps. weight defines the total current over the port and its direction (+ve = out, -ve = in)
— Methodrt_ports(Γ::Mesh, γ::Mesh ...)
Constructs the RT space on Γ
, relative to boundary pairs in γ
. γ
expects any number of pairs-of-ports as arguments and accepts tuples, arrays, vectors etc. e.g rt_ports(Γ, a, b ...);
where a = [γ₁ γ₂], b = (γ₃,γ₄) etc. rt_ports
with no pair of ports supplied i.e rt_ports(Γ)
reduces to the raviartthomas(Γ)
function. The RT space ensures current continuity in each pair of ports. i.e. current leaving mesh Γ through γ₁ is accounted for in γ₂.
Returns the RT basis object.
— Methodrt_vedge(cps::Array{Int,2}, weight)
Computes n-1 basis function with oscillating current in(leaving and entering) pairs of half triangles defined over port specified by cellpairs cps. weight defines the magnitude of individual current in and out the half triangles, and it's polarity simply defines whether to start with in or out
— Functionscalartype(x)
The scalar field over which the values of a global or local basis function, or an operator are defined. This should always be a scalar type, even if the basis or operator takes on values in a vector or tensor space. This data type is used to determine the eltype
of assembled discrete operators.
— Methodscalartype(s)
The scalar field over which the argument to a basis function or operator's integration kernel are defined. This is always a salar data type, even if the function or kernel is defined over a multi-dimensional space.
— Methodsingleduallagd0(fine, F, v; interpolatory=false)
Build a single dual constant Lagrange element a mesh fine
. F
contains the indices to cells in the support and v is the index in the vertex list of the defining vertex.
The default dual function (interpolatory=false
) is similar to the one depicted in Figure 3 of Buffa et al (doi: 10.1090/S0025-5718-07-01965-5), with the difference that each individual shape function is normalized with respect to the area so that overall the integral over the dual function is one.
When interpolatory=true
is used, the function value is one on the support, and thus, it gives rise to a partition of unity.
— MethodSolves a variational equation by simply creating the full system matrix and calling a traditional lu decomposition.
— Functiontimebasisc0d1(type, timestep, numfunctions)
Build the space of continuous, piecewise linear time basis functions. The DoFs are the time steps. numfunctions
basis functions will be built in total.
— Functiontimebasiscxd0(timestep, numfunctions, T::Type=Float64)
Create a temporal basis based on shifted copies of the nodal continuous, piecewise linear interpolant.
— Functiontimebasisspline2(timestep, numfunctions, T::Type=Float64)
Create a temporal basis based on shifted copies of the quadratic spline. The spline is the convolution of a cxd0 and a c0d1 basis function.
— MethodDoes not give the correct result for an imput basis with non-vanishing input basis on the boundary
— Methodunitfunctionc0d1(mesh)
Constructs a constant function with value 1 on mesh
consisting of linear shapes. For dirichlet=true goes to zero on the boundary.
— Methodunitfunctioncxd0(mesh)
Constructs a constant function with value 1 on mesh
— Macrodiscr(eq, pairs...)
This macro provides syntactical sugar for the definition of a discretisation of a varational formulation. Given a variational equation EQ: Find j ∈ X such that for all k ∈ Y a(k,j) = f(k) can be discretised by stating:
eq = @discretise EQ j∈X k∈Y
— Methodhhboundary(;gamma, alpha, tau) hhboundary(;wavenumber, alpha, tau)
Bilinear form given by:
\[ α ∬_{∂Ω×Ω} n̂(x) ⋅ j(x) G_{γ}(x,y) τ(y) (grad k(y))\]
with $G_{γ} = e^{-γ|x-y|} / 4π|x-y|$ and $τ(y)$ contrast function and $n̂(x)$ normal vector
— Methodhhvolume(;gamma, alpha, tau)
hhvolume(;wavenumber, alpha, tau)
Bilinear form given by:
\[ α ∬_{Ω×Ω} (grad j(x)) ⋅ G_{γ}(x,y)τ(y) (grad k(y))\]
with $G_{γ} = e^{-γ|x-y|} / 4π|x-y|$ and $τ(y)$ contrast function
— MethodhhvolumegradG(;gamma, alpha, tau)
hhvolumegradG(;wavenumber, alpha, tau)
Bilinear form given by:
\[ α ∬_{Ω×Ω} j(x) grad_y(G_{γ}(x,y)) τ(y) ⋅ (grad k(y))\]
with $G_{γ} = e^{-γ|x-y|} / 4π|x-y|$ and $τ(y)$ constant function
— Methodhhvolumek0(;gamma, alpha, tau) hhvolumek0(;wavenumber, alpha, tau)
Bilinear form given by:
\[ α ∬_{Ω×Ω} j(x) G_{γ}(x,y)τ(y) k(y)\]
with $G_{γ} = e^{-γ|x-y|} / 4π|x-y|$ and $τ(y)$ contrast function
— Methoddoublelayer(;gamma)
Maxwell double layer operator.
Either gamma or the wavenumber must be provided. Optionally, also alpha can be provided.
If alpha is not provided explitly, it is set to $α = 1$.
— Methodhypersingular(;wavenumber)
Hyper singular part of the Maxwell 3D single layer operator.
$β = -1/\mathrm{j} k$ is set with the wavenumber $k$.
— Methodplanewave(;
direction = error("missing arguement `direction`"),
polarization = error("missing arguement `polarization`"),
wavenumber = error("missing arguement `wavenumber`"),
amplitude = one(real(typeof(wavenumber))))
Time-harmonic plane wave.
— Methodsinglelayer(;gamma, alpha, beta)
singlelayer(;wavenumber, alpha, beta)
Maxwell 3D single layer operator.
Either gamma, or the wavenumber, or α and β must be provided.
If α and β are not provided explitly, they are set to $α = -γ$ and $β = -1/γ$ with $γ=\mathrm{j} k$.
— Methodweaklysingular(;wavenumber)
Weakly singular part of the Maxwell 3D single layer operator.
$α = -\mathrm{j} k$ is set with the wavenumber $k$.
— Methodcall(u::HilbertVector, f, params...)
u(f, params...)
Add another operation to the opstack of u
— Methoddepthfirst(xp)
Returns an iterator that visits all nodes in an Expr depth first. head and args are visited before the Expr they define.
— Functiontransposecall!(xp, skip=[])
Goes through the syntax tree and replace all function calls f(p1,p2,...,x)
with x(f,p1,p2,...)
— MethodAdd two BilForms together
— Method==(lhs::BilForm, rhs::LinForm)
Build an equation from a left hand and right hand side
— Methodgetindex(A, v::HilbertVector, u::HilbertVector)
Create a BilForm corresponding to A[v,u]
— Methodgetindex(f, v::HilbertVector)
Return a LinForm corresponding to f[v]
— Macro@varform <form-definition>
The Julia form compiler uses the Julia parser and meta-programming based traversal of the AST to create a structure containing all information required for the description of a variational formulation from an Expr that follows closely widespread mathematical convention.
EFIE = @varform T[k,j] = e[k]
MFIE = @varform 0.5*I[k,j] + K[k,j] = h[k]
PMCH = @varform M[k,j] - η*T[k,m] + 1/η*T[l,j] + M[l,m] = e[k] + h[l]